Just Yesterday, I wrote on my Facebook page that we are all Biafrans, and not a few people saw it as my own endorsement of the Biafran agitation for secession. It was easy for them to draw the conclusion that I had given up on the idea of a United Nigeria. Some expressed their surprise, especially given my earlier disapproval, and sometimes, disgust at the struggle for secession. Well, what they failed to understand is that we have always been Biafrans! By the way, "We are All Biafrans" is the title of a collection of essays by a Social Critic and Activist, Chido Onuma. Before I go on, let me say that the idea of Biafran statehood died far back in 1970, at the end of the Civil war, and it really dawned on us in 2013 with the release of Chinua Achebe 's Civil War Autobiography, "There was A Country ". So, as far as I know, there will never be a country known as Biafra but the struggle for secession and independence by different parts of Nigeria will continu...