CHANGE : this word has become a household name particularly in Nigeria. I found out that change is very constant as far as you breathe. I thought life was a bed of roses but as days turn to weeks, weeks to months and months to years I was made to reconsider my thoughts about life. Dont let either the positive or negative change life brings, swallow you. They are both dangerous if you misuse it. To use it well go into partnership with GOD! The Four things life taught me: 1)Put God first. 2)Know what you want and go for it. 3)Dont let people decide for you. 4)Persist till you succeed. I discovered that for one to experience the positive change that life brings, one has to be courageous, strong and ready to face whatsoever life brings; Destiny they say cannot be denied, but I dare to say: Your destiny can be denied by you. Don't be too comfortable with the negative change that life throws at you, and dont fight without focus, take a step, make sure you have a destination and don...