As someone who grew up almost exclusively in the South Eastern Part of Nigeria (Biafra Land if that's what suits you), I had my own share of hate for Nigeria and this kind of hate was worse because it started from childhood. I can beat my chest that there's hardly anybody who grew in the East that did not at one point or the other exude the hope and belief that at some point, Biafra would attain Independence and break away from this land of suffering called Nigeria. Mine was worse: in school, boys whose Parents probably had a share in the misfortunes of the war wowed us with stories of how Biafra would attain Independence and how we'd leave Nigeria to become a brand new country devoid of all the vicissitudes with which Nigeria had become inseparable from...and back home, we has a Landlord who from his comments was a high ranking member of the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB...Landlord always told us tales of how the independence of ...