The Return Or Resign Movement And What The Constitution Says.

It's gradually getting to 100 days since President Muhammadu Buhari left Nigeria for the United Kingdom on a much vilified Medical Tourism (The President has since become a tourist attraction for a select few of Nigeria's powerful). Frankly, this trip is wrong on many fronts: we can't wish away the shame of having to deal with the harsh reality that the President of the largest Black State on Earth and the self acclaimed Giant of Africa has to travel over 6 hours to London for the purpose of receiving medical attention. The very rational deduction to make from such trip is that as big as the Nigerian economy is and with all the money that Nigeria has earned from oil in the past 40 years, Nigeria still does not have a world class Hospital to meet the health needs of common citizens nay the President. Now, this is disappointing but that is not the bone of contention: as a young Nigerian, the Country disappoints me everyday. In the light of this absence from duty by the Pr...