Not Too Young To Lead.

One of the most important and contemporary legislations initiated by the current Nigerian National Assembly is the "Not too young to run" bill which essentially seeks to reduce the age qualification for elective offices in Nigeria and consequently give young persons a greater opportunity to seek elective positions. The bill is quite commendable and in tune with the realities, expectations and yearnings of the time. Clearly, this bill seeks to amend the following sections of the extant 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria: Section 131(b) which provides that the anyone who wishes to be President of Nigeria should be at least 40 years old. Section 177(b) which stipulates 35 years as the age that qualifies one to contest for the position of Governor. Section 65(1)(a) which has 30 years as the age limit that anyone who wishes to be a member of the National Assembly must reach. Section 166(b) which also has 30 years as the qualifying age for anyone who wishes...