I wasn't always like this... Or maybe, I think I wasn't always like this. My earliest memories portray me as someone who was not like me; someone who was more caring and more interested in people. But then again, maybe, I'm making up those memories. Maybe, I have always been strict, unconcerned, and uninterested in people. I think I used to enjoy conversations with people or maybe, I have always been a loner. Maybe, the times I "enjoyed" being with people and having conversations with them, I was faking it. I think I've changed! Or maybe, I was always like this. Yesterday, she called me and gave me the longest lecture since my Law of Trusts lecturerer's last class of last semester. She talked about how I didn't care about anyone again and how stiff my heart had become towards people. But I don't think that's true. I think I'm only looking out for myself and those I care about. And sometimes, I have thought to be Mother Teresa a...