With my head resting on her bogus frontals, I really was deep in thought. I tried hard to remember her name: not the name of the present chick; of course this one's name is Naomi but the name of some chic that I had met on bbm about 3 years ago (I eventually deleted her after 6 months). She was sort of skinny or at least that's what I could figure from her pictures. Sonia was her name and I couldn't quite believe how someone I hadn't even met claimed to have such deep feelings for me after just 3 days of talking. It was barely a week after we started chatting and she wanted us to meet which I readily accepted. The D day came and some random lecturer had me pissed after he fixed a test for the next day. Now, I normally wouldn't have bothered but I had missed the previous test and I had not even opened the book yet so I cancelled meeting Sonia so that I could at least try to catch up. I know with this, you would feel we met later that week but shit happens becau...