Why do we make friends if we will strain?
Why do we love if the love will wane?
Why do we start if we will finish?
Why were we born if we will still die?
What has nature got against consistency?

It's been exactly two weeks since I graduated from the University.
At first, it was surreal; I knew I had done something that would turn out to be great... I just didn't know the exact emotions to feel.
Of course, I was happy and probably excited but really, I didn't know how to channel my excitement.

I did the customary thing with my friends; went out and gulped down the contents of a couple of green bottles.
As if that was not enough, the days that followed were replete with what you'd ordinarily refer to as fun; there was a lot of dancing, drinking and low level partying.
But then, I knew deep down that there was more to life as a graduate than the booze and dance.
I knew a lot was going to change and I didn't think (I still don't think) I was ready for the changes.

The truth is that I spent five years of my life, studying Law with the hope that among other things, I was going to graduate; I basically stopped blogging and took a break from social media because I wanted to graduate well.

However, despite my preparations for graduation, I wasn't ready for it.
In a few days, I will go to my father's house and that would ultimately mark the end of an era; I may never see some of the people I shared the same class with and received the same lectures with for five years.
Alliances will be broken and friendships will be strained. Relationships will be terminated and hearts will ultimately be broken.
I always took pride in the fact that I was a strong person and for long, I worked to avoid getting emotionally attached to people, because that way, I had no problem with letting go.
But all of that changed with the five years here: I made the most amazing friends that anyone could ever have asked for. And all of a sudden, letting go has become such an uphill task.

Beyond the friendships that may just end, I have also struggled with the question of "what next?"
Of course, for a Law student, the natural order of events after five years in the University is the one year in the Law School before being called to the bar.
But for me, it goes beyond that; questions like, "what area of law will you specialise in?" have never been more relevant.
"Do you want to do your Masters in Nigeria or abroad?"
Scratch that: "do you really want to do your Masters degree?"
"Would you want to work with the Government, Law firms or do you want to start your own private practice immediately?"
Since graduation from the University, these questions and many more have covered acres of space in my head.

So, beyond the fanfare that comes with graduation, the question of what happens next is of far greater significance that the questions that Professors Hart and Fuller spent years trying to answer.
But then, while I continue to reflect, I can't pretend to despise the perks that come with graduation.
Let me enjoy them while they Last!



  1. Nice 😭but I will miss you

  2. Awwwwwwwn. What an emotional write up. You've been an amazing guy, right from the first time I met you at UNIBEN in our 100L after a brief convo with you I felt some element of Greatness in you.

    Let me use this opportunity to congratulate you officially once again on your recent graduation from the great university of BENIN. Greater heights awaits you, bro.

    Comr CHISOM SOMMIC Alajekwu

  3. Wow! Nice piece. Congratulations dear!

  4. I hope you do find the coherent answers that you seek.... Congratulations brother, it will be a boring year without you around...... I go miss u my Kingmaker.


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