Before anything is said, let me quickly add that 'men' in this sense goes beyond the masculine gender; it includes women, and even institutions.
Now, to the real deal; This list is just my own little way of paying respect to men and women whose overall contribution to Nation Building, particularly in the year, 2015 can at best be described as invaluable and tremendous.
As always, this is subjective.

10. Ben Bruce:

Love him or hate him, this light skinned Senator was pivotal in making the year worthwhile.
His twitter outbursts, whichever way you look at it were truly patriotic and nationalistic, and to a large extent, his comments actually showed a middle ground.
Mr Ben Bruce has so far displayed a high level degree of independence in his opinions, and it's highly commendable even though some grey areas still exist as regards his perception and reputation.

9. Dave Umahi:

My Governor, Our Leader!
What more can I say; he has within 6 months, transformed Ebonyi State with special focus and attention to Abakaliki.
In spite of a very low monthly allocation, Ekubaraoha has consistently paid salaries and equally embarked upon capital projects like it's no man's business.
As it stands, those who were initially skeptical of his abilities have started to reconsider.
Truly, Ekubaraoha is working and Ebonyi is on the rise.

8. Akinwumi Ambode:
At the point he took over the reins of power in Lagos, nobody really expected him to excel apparently because of the big shoes he had to fill.
Well, almost six months after he took over from Fashola, the fruits are gradually being reaped and truly, the expectations are being met.

7.Channels Television:

  The best TV station for the 10th time.
What more can I say? Their neutrality during the 2015 polls was highly exemplary and while other TV stations like AIT and NTA were busy castigating the opposition in such highly unprofessional degrees, they remained the last hope of the regular Nigerian electorate and TV listener.
Once again, Congratulations, Channels TV for remaining the only true hope of the objective Nigerian.

6. Willie Obiano:

Back in 2012, I went to Onitsha for the very first time with my Dad and the experience at Upper Iweka was horrible.
Fast forward to 2015, and each time I go through Onitsha, I beam with pride largely down to Obiano's almost total sanitation of Onitsha.
Indeed, his achievements and efforts at Osha will forever remain indelible in the hearts of every lover of good.

5.Premium Times:

This online Newspaper redefined authenticity and accuracy as far as broadcast is concerned, particularly during the 2015 General elections.
Their efforts at investigative journalism equally marked a turning point in the Nation's history, and by all standards, Premium Times have earned them a permanent place in the hearts of many open minded Nigerians.
Premium Times, We will never forget!

4.Oby Ezkwesili:

No list of illustrious and patriotic Nigerians in 2015 will ever be complete without Madam Due Process.
For me, she has in more ways than one, proven to be a conscience of the nation; pointing out illegalities and possible solutions in spite of who is at the helm of affairs.
Congratulations, Ma!

3.Adebola Williams:

President Buhari wouldn't have been such a hit in the Nigerian Social Media space without Debola Williams and his Red media team.
For seeing hope where others wouldn't have contemplated, Debola occupies a prime position in this list.

2.Chude Jideonwu:

Alongside Debola Williams, Chude contributed greatly to the success of the Buhari Presidential campaign.
Aside boosting the President's image, Chude and his partner, Debola Williams equally made a strong statement as far as the Nigerian Social Media is concerned, and they equally made it clear that elections could actually be won in the Social Media.

1.Japheth Omojuwa:

For me, Omojuwa is the man of the year for 2015.
For his courage and unshaken belief in his cause, he is for me, the Nigerian of 2015.
A resolute supporter of the Buhari administration and above all, a firm believer in Nigeria.
My respect for him tripled when even as a Buhari supporter, he boldly pointed out some ills he witnessed in the administration.
A nightmare for supporters of Goodluck Jonathan, the PDP and all forms of illegality.
His twitter timeline is a lecture room of some sort.
Really, you've got to love this dude.



  1. WELL, I appreciate your list but if I may ask WHAT OF GOODLUCK EBELE JONATHAN ?

    1. lol... what is he looking for on the list...? don't tell me its because of his concession of loss...

  2. lol.....the list is not for weak men sha...
    if you ask of GEJ, what of PMB?
    I deliberately left out those two, and besides, the concession alone wasn't enough to make up for all his wrongs.

  3. And when you think "Hello chukwu " has givendthe best piece he brings out a better one. I always look forward to getting info and writeups from your blog and am proud yo say that you have not let me down. Keep up the good work we are watching.


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