That Friend Zone Ish.....

"I like you as a friend" 
"You are like a brother to me" 
"You are more than a friend to me"
If you've ever been told any of this by a female, Brother, you are in the difficult Friend Zone.
And I'm certain that she concluded by saying, "we should just remain friends".....
It's sad...really really sad.
And it's much sadder if you accept to remain in this bottle she has kept you; if you accept to remain in that shit hole by yourself; if you refuse to see the value in you.
When you are in that zone, you are not better than a slave!
Yes, a Slave!
You are the one who gives her tips on how to relate with the main guy; you accept to be a shoulder she can cry on; I'm sorry but you are a goat too....
How can you consciously choose to be foolish; like, you don't even gain anything, rather you are the one who gives everything like say you be Jesus Christ. 
Really, the thing doesn't make sense to me; why settle for less?
Coz I know that when you started running after that girl, you wanted more than just being her hand wanted something more tangible; you wanted to be the main guy, but here you are, wasting away, terribly under priced and under valued, and yet you are happy.
Well to my fellaz in the Friend Zone, this piece is not to mock you; it's sole purpose is to challenge you.
Yes, to challenge you to see the genius in you; to make you reconsider your pathetic condition.
Why don't you just walk away from that place?
It's not hard, you know... You wanted more and then she made you settle for less...It shows your resolve is weak.
Personally, I feel that when she tells you no, you can ask again if you are so much enthralled or at best, you walk away.
Staying around in the name of 'best friend' 'bestie' or any of those wicked names they give makes you look like a pensioner and it's not good!
I don't care what minute benefits you get from that place because in truth, nothing you get from being her best friend or just a friend can rival the satisfaction of being the main guy.
Before I raise my hands from my Keyboard, let me stress that I'm not against being friends with a female; I'm just saying that your friendship shouldn't be as a result of your rejection.
That's all and like our Oga, Ben Bruise will  say, "I'm just trying to make common sense".


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