Nigeria at 56: are we cursed or are we the cause?

Apologies to Mr Peter Obi for using this catchy but thought provoking phrase that he used the very first time he contested for the Governorship of Anambra State.
Apparently, that question he asked over ten years ago still hangs over not just his Anambra State but Nigeria as a whole.
On a Night like this, 56 years ago, there was probably a sickening nostalgia all over the then British Colony which would later become the Country, Nigeria about the endless possibilities that accompany Independence, especially in a Country that is as endowed as ours.
Well, Tomorrow will be exactly 56 years since Nigeria attained independent status from Great Britain.
At Independence, our founding fathers such as Nnamdi Azikiwe, Ahmadu Bello and Obafemi Awolowo had such lofty goals and dreams for our progress, prosperity: they conceived a Nigeria that would maximize her enormous human capital resources: A Nigeria that would truly cater for the hopes and aspirations of her diverse peoples: A Nigeria that would purposefully pursue the economic growth and emancipation of her citizens: A Nigeria that would denounce vices such as Corruption and on the other hand, uphold virtues such as Integrity and fairness: A Nigeria that would be the rallying point for the Liberation and Emancipation of other African Countries from colonialism and imperialism.
56 years after Independence, we are faced with the inevitable reality of having to ask ourselves, the question, how far have we gone in bringing the dreams of Zik and the rest of our heroes to reality.
I don't think it's worth any debate whatsoever that what Nigeria has become today is radically different from what our forebears conceived.
Simply put, Nigeria has been one huge disappointment!
Nigeria as presently constituted is a massive disappointed to her citizens and to her Father's as well as those who really looked up to her for Leadership and Liberation.
Without a doubt, I'm sure that our founding Fathers will certainly hide their faces in utter disgrace and shame in their graves anytime they remember what we have made of their dreams, knowing fully well that this is not the Nigeria they fought and made compromises for.
Without a doubt, Nigeria has really flattered to deceive but the question is "what really went wrong?"
That's a question that has become resonant in our chequered history and will continue to be asked as long as we continue to "fall hands".
Like I pointed out earlier, it is disappointing that a country blessed with enormous potentials like Nigeria should be in the rear in virtually every relevant index of development, world over.
It is without a doubt that I say that Nigeria's problems and even solutions are properly documented.
So, I don't think lamenting would solve any problem because really, we know that we are in a huge mess as a country as a result of years of mismanagement and misrule.
As we "celebrate" 56 years of Independence, what we need in order to move forward is Good Leadership because failure in successive Governments to cater effectively for the welfare of the people has left the country bleeding.
And Good Leadership can only come as a result of the people's resolve to attain and enjoy it.
It's high time we stopped voting scumbags who in their myopic states, see being in Leadership positions as a Godsend opportunity to impoverish the people by taking their own share of the "National Cake".
On a final note, we are not cursed: we are only the cause!
Nigeria is God's gift to us!
Our enormous potentials abound and continue to grow.
We can achieve more together in a state where Social Justice, equality and integrity is held in high esteem.
Let us not give up on Nigeria!
Let us nurture her by resisting Injustice, Inequality, Corruption, and all the filth that irresponsible Leadership has foisted on us over the years.
Let us become Responsible and Strong willed followers who will persistently pursue the progress of the Country instead or fostering hate and division.
We are Stronger Together!
Happy Birthday, Nigeria!


  1. enjoyed reading this...a beautiful piece... a patriot you are.

    happy birthday Naija

  2. Obed's right. This is a patriotic piece

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great piece bro. In deed, there's hope for NIGERIA.

  5. Happy to read the conclusion - strong together it is the powerful part
    Nice article there

  6. Verily Verily I say... Until we begin to live right, and act in line with the dreams of the true Nationalist, we might just remain in shambles.. God forbid... Nigeria would get better... we've got to make things right.
    Nice piece Mr. Elephant.


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