Agonies of a Buharist.

The other day, I went to Mama Favour's shop behind my hostel to help myself with a few food items as I was slowly but steadily running out of supplies..
Well, what my ears heard ranked and still ranks up there among the most shocking realities I've come to accept this semester.
Nothing was as cheap as they used to be; the price of five miserable pieces of Fresh Tomatoes was pegged at what I would normally pay to go to Ring Road in a comfortable cab; Even the price of Egg is not left out in the series of abnormal hikes(that one is confusing to me because I know it doesn't take any extra financial engagement for chicks to lay eggs) ; I can't lament without lamenting the impact of the hike in the Price of Petroleum; In fact, essential commodities have suddenly become ostentatious goods!
This is sad commentary in a country that elected a new Government barely a year ago...The sadness is compounded in view of the fact that this Government rode on the wings of Change.
However, with the degree of hardship most Nigerians are going through, it's not hard to understand why a sizeable portion of them desperately want to turn back the hands of time to the days when things were relatively easier, at least on the face.
In our subtle vindictive nature, all those who supported President Buhari during the campaigns have become 'Endangered Species' as they are always the first to receive the venomous degrees of insults and abuses at every little opportunity.
Let me confess; I supported Buhari, and I still support him; in fact, I'm a full blooded Buharist!... So, you can imagine the mental torture I go through virtually every day; I buy things at very expensive rates; my pocket money rarely sees me through a month, and then, when I'm in class or in my room, my Friends see me as a convenient platform to pour their frustrations because they see me as a Buhari incarnate!
I know I'm not alone in this 'bus'; those of us in this 'bus' are in our millions, and frankly, this 'bus' is the most uncomfortable I've ever been in!
In Nigeria today, there is nothing as demanding and tasking as Defending the Buhari administration!
Yet, it's something that must be done because you believe in him.
How do you make people understand the difference between Subsidy removal, Deregulation of the Petroleum sector and increase in the Fuel pump Price when even the Government is unclear about it?
How do you make them understand that The Government has good plans for the Country when in the face of it, it appears like we are jumping from the Frying pan to the Fire?
How do you even differentiate the war against corruption from witch-hunt?
How do you make them understand that whatever we are going through now is a joke compared to what we'd be going through if the Government hadn't made some of these unpopular policies?
It's hard if not almost impossible to explain that the deregulation of the petroleum sector is a necessary evil.
It's horrendous trying to explain that this Government is not out to impoverish her citizens...
Frankly, this is the worst time to be a Buhari supporter because you are not even very sure of yourself any longer!
You can't even argue about it because you do so at your own peril...
All you can do is hope, pray and believe that in the long run, you will not be disappointed by this Government...


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