Bring Back Our President.

Apologies to the leaders of the Bring Back Our Girls advocacy group for the return of the abducted Chibok Girls but I couldn't think of a more complete way to express my disappointment.
At the peak of events leading to the Presidential Election of 2015, Nigerians were presented with the option of choosing between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: A Muhammadu Buhari who in his own words was a "Reformed Democrat" and a largely inept and ineffectual Goodluck Jonathan.
Frankly, making a choice was torrid: Buhari had the antecedent of being an unrepentant oppressor of Civil Rights during his time as Military Head Of State while Jonathan had an unbeatable record of running the most corrupt Government in modern Nigerian History.
Well, we couldn't help but make a choice and take a stand as the days of Lenre Peters were over.
Ultimately, we chose to boot out the the Jonathan administration and we took sides with a Buhari who had come with a message of Change: frankly, the promise of change was all we wanted as Nigerians who had become fed up with the broad daylight robberies and looting of our treasury that had become synonymous with the Immediate Past Administration.
In all honesty, a good number of the people who campaigned vigorously for Muhammadu Buhari to become President did not expect him to become an economic messiah: nope!
He didn't have such feathers on his cap.
But one thing we could all swear to was that he had the magic wand for  the annihilation of Corruption which had eaten deep into the very marrows of our Country.
We felt sincerely that Corruption was the biggest threat to our Country's existence and as such, if Buhari with his records of being an anti corruption czar happened on Nigeria, corruption would become a thing of the past and Nigeria would survive to realize her full potentials.
So, my point is that Buhari is the President of Nigeria today because a good number of Nigerians were tired of corruption and because they felt that he was going to be a more viable solution to this age long bane.
The President during the course of campaigns made a lot of promises but we were only sure of the promise to fight corruption to a standstill!
Well, this administration is about 19 months old and the hopes of even the most enthusiastic and passionate Buharists are waning at an alarming rate!
19 months on, yet we've not had any high profile conviction of Corrupt Politicians.
I understand with those who affirm that Nigeria is less corrupt today because Baba Hafusa is in power but the truth remains that Fighting Corruption has a whole lot to do with punishing those who had plundered us in the past to serve as a deterrent to those who have the intentions of robbing us tomorrow!
As if not having any high profile conviction of corrupt politicians is not bad enough, the most crushing pain that those who earnestly believed in this Government have come to live with is the fact that an administration that rode to power on the promise of zero tolerance for corruption has elements who have been accused of being corrupt playing active roles in the day to day running of the Government.
Sometime in June this year, online news outlet, reported that the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Tukur Buratai owned properties in Dubai and was actively involved in the arms scandal that rocked the Nigerian Army in the Jonathan administration.
At about the same time, the Minister of Interior, Abdulrahman Dambazzau was equally reported to have been indicted in the same Arms Scandal that rocked the Nigerian Army between 2010 to 2015.
Just this month, the Secretary to The Government Of The Federation, David Babachir Laval was indicted by the Senate of tampering with money meant for Internally Displaced Persons in The North East.
The "exploits" of the President's Chief of Staff, Abaa Kyari cannot be left without mention: he was accused of collecting about 500 million Naira from Telecoms Giants, MTN to prevent them from paying the fine slammed on them by the National Communication Commission for exploiting Nigerians.
These are just four high profile cases involving top shots in the Buhari administration yet the hammer has not fallen on any of them:even if hammer is too heavy, a mere pin has not fallen on any of them!
I am very much aware that these are mere allegations but the simple fact that these allegations have not been investigated openly at least leaves much to be desired!
If the Government continues to protect it's officials embroiled in Corruption scandals, where then is the Change we shouted as there'd be no difference between it and the past administration.
What is worse?

The Government does not appear to be fighting corruption : in fact,  it appears to be tolerating corruption!This is sad commentary!

If Buhari cannot do the one thing(fight corruption)that we voted him to do, of what use is he then? 

Sadly, I'll summarise by echoing the words of revered Columnist, Okey Ndibe that Buhari should admit that his so called anti corruption war is unserious, tiresome, hypocritical, illegitimate and a waste of time!
One thing I know is that this is not the President that I supported in 2015: this is not the President that a good number of us believed was the solution to our chronic corruption!
Whoever is holding the President we supported and hoped so much on in 2015 should please release him because Nigeria needs him so badly to rise to the occasion!
Please, Bring Back Our President!


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