Mr President, Isn't it Time You Sacked Solomon Dalung?

When President Buhari took over the reins of power for the fi
rst time after three attempts, last year, we knew it wasn't going to be an easy job!
Regardless of some impossible expectations we had of him, we were willing to give him a chance!
We knew the Country was in critical condition but we expected him to slowly and steadily sanitize the sleeping giant of Africa!
We knew that he would be taking over from a President who was described as an ineffectual and clueless buffoon: a Government known for their ineptitude, incompetence and tolerance for thievery!
We knew that there was a crisis in the international oil market and that as a result, there was a sharp drop in the revenue accruing to the country's coffers which in turn led to States borrowing to pay salaries.
We knew that he was succeeding a Government known for it's notoriety for incompetence, corruption, irresponsibility and sheer waste!
We Knew all these!
And we were willing to give him time!
We didn't mind that he took almost 6 months to name a cabinet!
After all, "Baba Hafusa" is known for being meticulous and at complete variance with incompetence!
Knowing this about the General, we expected the very best brains in Nigeria to become part and parcel of his Cabinet!
When the list did eventually come out, we were disappointed to say the least!
On paper, there was no difference between it and other cabinets.
However, because we believed so much in him, we made excuses for the average Cabinet list and even went as far as endorsing them as God's gifts to us simply because Baba Hafusa named them.
It's over one year since the Ministers were sworn in and I can say with so much pain and regret that these Ministers cannot fly and they will lead us to a place worse than they met us!
Specifically, it is an embarrassment to Nigeria and Nigerians that it took President Buhari almost 6 months to nominate a character like Solomon Dalung as Minister.
It is an embarrassment that we had to wait so long to have such a man who embarrasses us at every single opportunity as Minister.
His gaffes are countless!
We can't forget in a hurry how Team Nigeria was humiliated at the Rio Olympics because of his ineptitude: A man who chose to punish the Dream Team VI because they did not inform him that they were leaving for Atalanta on a Training tour does not deserve to be a Minister: A man who is so vain and vindictive to the point of threatening members of the all conquering Super Falcons with ban because they protested for the payment of their accrued match bonuses from the Nation's Cup in Cameroon has no reason being a Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria!
This brings me to the issue at hand: a week back, the Senior Women's National Football Team did Nigeria proud by winning the African Women's Cup of Nations for a record 8th time but till date, they have not even being received by the President nor any of his men!
This is sad commentary given that even runners up, Cameroun have been hosted and rewarded by their President.
But that's technically besides the point: in the course of his unnecessary defence of his famed incompetence, Mr Solomon Dalung threw caution to the wind by announcing that there is no money to reward the victorious Falcons because he didn't expect them to win the trophy!
What Folly!
I need not explain further on his incompetence because it's all to glaring and bright even to the point of blinding anyone who attempts to look into it.
Now, to the President, you can still be the Messiah we hoped you'd become but that dream will come to nought with invalids and misfits like Solomon Dalung in your cabinet!
Since he is so shameless to realize the huge let down he has become, please ease him out of his misery by relieving him of his job because the duty to rebuild the trust, hope and confidence of Nigerians in Nigeria will be continually stalled by the presence of misfits like Solomon Dalung in Government!


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