I answered saying:
"Nah it's not you baby, it's just the exams that really stressed me"
Naomi with an alluring smile replied:
"Come over here boo, I know what you need to feel better". Naomi that said "come over here..." didn't even let me come before she dragged me to herself & started making out.
Not too long after, I had taken off her bum short & top so she was left with just the usual pant & bra. From her reactions I could tell that my foreplay game was still on point (the last girl I cheated on Naomi with complained about foreplay that I was just rushing for 'knaks'). I was about moving to the main shii when suddenly, my phone rang loudly (damn I forgot to put it on silent) but I ignored it. It kept on ringing so Naomi insisted I pick it. I was about to when i saw that it was the one number that I wished I never collected in the first place. It was my ex girlfriend, Ese the Ishan chic that made me rethink my endless love for girls.
Ese was the definition of a die hard together forever kinda chic. I met her through one of my real Geez, Yomi (typical Yoruba Demon).
She was really attractive with her light skinned colour, boobs were literally on point (this is a necessity for me in every girl I date) and her ass was on a scale of 1-10, a 7.
We dated for about 2 months and I was going to call it off but she kept on threatening me that I'd regret it for life. I normally would have ignored her threats but when Yomi told me what happened to Ese's ex, I knew I had to be careful.

King Omó


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