Bring Back Our President.

Apologies to the leaders of the Bring Back Our Girls advocacy group for the return of the abducted Chibok Girls but I couldn't think of a more complete way to express my disappointment. At the peak of events leading to the Presidential Election of 2015, Nigerians were presented with the option of choosing between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: A Muhammadu Buhari who in his own words was a "Reformed Democrat" and a largely inept and ineffectual Goodluck Jonathan. Frankly, making a choice was torrid: Buhari had the antecedent of being an unrepentant oppressor of Civil Rights during his time as Military Head Of State while Jonathan had an unbeatable record of running the most corrupt Government in modern Nigerian History. Well, we couldn't help but make a choice and take a stand as the days of Lenre Peters were over. Ultimately, we chose to boot out the the Jonathan administration and we took sides with a Buhari who had come with a message of Change: frankly, the p...