That Marriage Ish:

It's probably my Grand Ma's favourite topic, and it's perhaps a topic I am not fully capable of delving into but worefa, I will try.
From what I know, or what I have heard, Marriage is a beautiful thing but like every other beautiful thing, our society has bastardized and abused it. Don't get me wrong because I'm not talking about the 'desecration' of the marriage institution occasioned by high divorce rates.
No, I'm actually more interested in addressing the over importance placed on marriage by the society; ask Linda. Personally, I find it almost disgusting that we allude completeness to marriage, and as such, no matter how much a person achieves, if he(or she) is not married, we all assume that such a person is still deficient in terms of accomplishments.
To be more precise, this problem is easily relatable to by females because perhaps, we are still in a society that places women at the background. Imagine how many women that are mocked and disregarded on a frequent basis because they are not married irrespective of their achievements in life.
This society views marriage as an achievement especially for women, and that is why the girl child's development is already tailored towards one sad direction, "it all ends in marriage and if you aren't able to get married, you are not accomplished".
Perhaps, I'm taking a feminist perspective but what is wrong with feminism, anyway? What is wrong with encouraging a girl child to reach for great heights in life without necessarily making marriage a determinant or measure of success?
Forget that I'm appalled by my Grand Mother's desire that every of my female cousins who reaches a certain age and is not yet married is already behind schedule, what I find most embarrassing is that the so called educated members of society equally align themselves to such an otherwise crude importance to marriage as the ultimate achievement in a woman's life on the argument that it is culturally correct.
But then, all that comes to my mind is, WHAT CULTURE?
Ours is a world in evolution and as such any cultural idea that does not suit with global best practices is at best due for extinction. We must tailor our minds towards the modern day realities that there are far more important things in a person's life than an untoward attachment of relevance and importance to marriage.
Well, maybe, I'm sounding this way probably because I'm too young to understand; Well, if I don't understand, can someone make me understand, Pleaseeee?
My argument, to the best of my knowledge lacks any ambiguity; I'm not criticising the institution of marriage(how can I do that; after all, I wouldn't have been born if my parents did not get married). My point is simply that Marriage should not be a prerequisite for determining success or completeness; people should get married as a result of the desire to do so and not as a result of the pressure to do so.
Well, Maybe, just Maybe, when I'm thirty, my perspective would change but I seriously doubt.    


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